Intentional Friendships

In the intricate dance of our marriage, Sheila and I navigate on distinct time clocks. My early-to-bed, early-to-rise rhythm contrasts with her penchant for staying up late and indulging in a bit more morning slumber. This arrangement has served us well over the years, affording me precious moments to decompress at night and reflect on the day ahead in the morning. Recently, Sheila observed that some mornings pass without our customary exchange of “good morning.” As I’m already immersed in...

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The Delight Chronicles: Crafting a Year of Happiness

My email box overflowed this week with ideas on how to finish 2023 and begin 2024. I bet you received plenty of tips as well: And… Then, take on one of the many New Year Challenges. These may include: You get the idea, and you may be motivated to “resolve” to change your life in 2024. It’s part of our biology to look for opportunities to start again, and the New Year, like our birthdays and other special holidays, offers...

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Making Memories

We’re with all our kids and grandkids in Palm Springs, CA. We’ve rented a cool house with a spa, swimming pool, billiard table, and even an arcade video game. The weather has been great, with the full sun and moon filling the sky. Granddaughter Kyra will love hanging out with her older cousins, and she’ll schedule the games and events around the house, which will probably include “Diving for Dimes” and playing “Things The Never Taught You In School.”  The...

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The Season of Lights

The sun will reach its nadir tomorrow, December 21, at 10:27 PM EST, in the northern hemisphere, as we procrastinators will be resting from our last-minute shopping.  We begin our 6-month journey back to the fullness of sunlight and the warmth of the summertime in just a few hours. No wonder we are built for resilience as nature showers her experiences of recovering from the depths of winter’s darkness towards the fullness of summer’s long days like the clock she...

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Cloud Forests and Tortillas: Finding Resilience in Costa Rica

Just in time for Chanukah, I embraced my first holiday of 2023. This year, the allure of Costa Rica, a country we’ve envisioned visiting for 15 years, prompted Sheila and I to embark on a 9-day tour. Aligned with National Geographic, our itinerary included visits to conservation sites, national parks, and residents who welcomed us and shared aspects of their lives. We had the opportunity to engage in small environmental projects and play, including horseback riding, river rafting, and massages....

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Recognizing Today’s Unseen Triumphs

Our stories are written daily, sometimes with celebration, sometimes with tragedy, and most often by the ordinary. Today, November 29th, is like every other day in how it embraces all of these For starters, today is the day after my brother Chuck’s birthday. He’s known me my entire life, just one of two people with that special status. Since I believe in the “week of celebration” birthday theme, I will share my delight in his day with a visit this...

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