Absolute Citrin
by Richard Citrin

I’m seeing Facebook and LinkedIn posts from friends and colleagues who are off on vacations to the beach, Scandinavia, or Greece or maybe staycationing and heading off to the neighborhood pool. I love seeing your smiling faces, whether with the Acropolis in the background, writing your daughter’s name in the sand, or the look of excitement (or fear) as you begin your first parasailing adventure.
Summer is the time for rejuvenation.
We often use celebrations like New Year’s Day or birthdays to denote the opportunity for a fresh start, and even our religious traditions honor renewal, whether Easter, Yom Kippur, Ramadan, or Diwali.
Those special days may bring about spiritual renewal, but our minds and bodies find their revitalization in the cool water of the ocean or with the tour of the outer islands of Norway. It’s not enough to merely take a day off to consider our lives; engaging in new experiences and changing our routine is what refreshes us and recharges our batteries.
This time of the summer is known as the “Dog Days.” Officially it’s from July 3-August 11. The dog day’s tradition derives from the rising and setting of the star, Sirius, which appears in the morning sky and follows the sun’s course during summer days. The ancient Romans thought its presence in the daytime sky added to the sun’s heat, and since it was a part of the constellation Canis Major, it was an easy belief to hold. If you are looking for Sirius, find the three stars of Orion’s belt and follow them down to the Dog Star.
Whether or not Sirius contributes to summer’s heat, my dog Cody will take it easy during his days. He’ll honor Sirius but log a few extra hours of sleep near the air conditioning vent. Make sure you do your best to catch some rest and recovery while the sun is high.
The Leadership Café
Accion Labs CEO Kinesh Doshi believes that listening is not a passive process where we just acknowledge what we’ve heard from others. Learning must happen to fulfill the promise of listening, and actions must occur to ensure that the message has the desired impact. Listen in to a great interview with a true entrepreneur and successful CEO.
© Richard Citrin 2022