Ten Routines To Improve Management

Meandering meetings where nothing seems to be getting done. When you don’t say no when others ask you for help. Open door policies that leave you reacting to interruptions. Not delegating effectively. Only dealing with putting out fires in your workplace and not getting into more important strategic planning. Not feeling organized or having too much clutter to find what you need when you need it. Not having enough time to recuperate between meetings or events. Trying to multitask with...

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Create Happiness

(http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/10296/1097382-110.stm). It was perhaps not too surprising then when I came upon an interview about research work done by  Michael Norton a Harvard business school professor and some colleagues from the University of British Columbia. Their studies show that (at least) one path to happiness is not about spending money but by giving it away. They found that in measuring happiness, if an individuals income doubled, their happiness measure only increased by 7%. But to further test their ideas, they...

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