Tax Day

I can appreciate that people don’t like paying taxes. We’d all rather have that money in our pocket and we all can agree that the government is not an efficient system and that everyone does not agree with how money is being spent by the government. Research on this history of taxation suggests that people feel okay about paying taxes during periods of war, particularly, when spending was deemed to be just–the Civil War, WW I and WW II. Since...

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Informative But Not Helpful

“So what does this budget report mean in terms of how we can improve our services.” “We get these reports every month but then we are told that they are just make believe because we are so far off from our actual budget.” “Can we get together with the CFO so that he/she can explain this to us and what it means to our department?” Now before we beat up on the finance department too much, we should recognize that...

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Fun in Your Workplace

Since I love doing research, I checked out a number of important facts about the first of April. An early precursor of April Fool’s Day was an ancient Roman festival called “Hilaria” which was celebrated around the first day of Spring. The days were highlighted by events of rejoicing including births of children, successes in life and probably acknowledging the greatness of Rome. Every one had to be upbeat and no one was allowed to show signs of sorrow or...

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A Men's Yoga Class…Yikes!

To me yoga fits perfectly into my two of my five kinds of fitness that are relaxation and flexibility. I leave endurance, cardio and strength to other days and other workouts. Over where I work out a new yoga instructor, Susan, has introduced Qigong Yoga that integrates slow rhythmic breathing along with slow easy movement. Most of the poses we perform are familiar to me but her use of breath creates a calmer and more focused yoga practice for me....

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You've Got The Motivation…Now Five Ways to Make It Happen

As part of The Resilience Advantage, I’ve seen that habits and routines are essential to the follow through I need every day. I do my best to build in a schedule of when I want to get things done, but sometimes the scheduler is not in sync with reality. I’ve found that by identifying the best times of the day for me to get different things done, I can far exceed my own expectations. For me, that means creative work...

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