Why Elon is RIght and How Other Companies Will Implement Return to Work

Elon Musk set the world aflutter this week by announcing that Tesla office employees would be required to return to the office for a minimum of 40 hours, and if they do not show up, Tesla would consider that they’ve resigned from their positions. Consultants and HR professionals were up in arms. They predicted that recruiters would have a field day picking off Musk’s best and brightest and that Tesla would be fighting a battle with employees over our two...

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Don’t Assume Expertise

We rightfully expect that people on our team will know what to do within their areas of expertise. It is not, however, reasonable to expect that they will know how to do things outside their area of expertise, especially around people skills. Leaders often assume, for example, that people know how to behave and work on team, but if your folks were not in the marching band, drama club or an athletic team, they may not have learned that skill...

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Jane Fraser, The New CEO of Citibank: A Model of Leadership Development

Jane Fraser will be the next CEO of Citibank. She is the first woman chosen to be the CEO of a major money-centered bank. A remarkable accomplishment that is well overdue given the remarkable experiences she’s accrued over the course of her career While we will all watch how she meets the challenges of banking in a pandemic and post-pandemic world, it is clear what has prepared her for this role. Her portfolio of experiences. As my co-author Michael Couch...

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The Career Success Formula

Strategy Driven Leadership: The Playbook for Developing Your Next Generation of Leaders, I shared with you our “Career Success Formula.” In short, your career success is made up of all your Key Developmental Experiences (KDE’s), such as rolling out a new product and  where you learned the essential skills or  ]“Key Leadership Competencies” (KLC’s) that were needed to complete the job, such as getting everyone on board and behind the new product. Learning from the experiences is enhanced by regular reflection...

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