Helping our Teenagers

The CDC released a report on their survey of 17,000 teenagers. There was some good news and some not-good news. Most surprisingly, it came with no recommendations for parents, so let’s share some here. Good News: Bad News The element of this report that bothers me is not the absolute number of young people having trouble as measured by the intensity of symptoms which is increasing. This is demonstrated by the level of suicidal thinking and actions along with the...

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Metta: The Loving Kindness Meditation

The first time I did the Loving Kindness Meditation, I thought it was hokey. A bit like sending hopes and prayers out into the universe. The Metta meditation asks that we begin to share benevolent thoughts for others and ourselves. Taking a few minutes to quiet ourselves with some breathing and mindfulness, we consider some simple phrases: May you be safe…May you be healthy…May you be happy…May you live with ease and grace. We begin the practice by bringing up...

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Resilience in a Foreign Language is Still Resilience…or Is It?

A European leader shared that reading Cody’s blog last week got him thinking about resilience for his team and family. He shared that “resilience” in his language has a slightly different meaning than in English. Resilience is not the ability to bounce back (or forward) but to work hard, figure things out, and take care of oneself. A bit like, “Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead.” Wow, his comment set me back a bit, and as we talked, one interesting...

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Cody Dog Lesson of the Week: Managing Agendas

When Cody and I go for walks, we always have different agendas. He wants to sniff, look for food, visit other dogs, and pee. I want a little aerobic walk, log a mile or more, say hi to neighbors, and like today, get it all done before the rain starts. This morning we discussed how we could find a happy medium between these two sets of objectives, some of which dovetail and some of which differ. I think our learnings...

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Target Connection

When I ran into Target over the weekend, someone hailed me before I got through the entrance. I didn’t recognize him, and he asked me if I was the guy who did the Strengths Presentation at the Leadership Pittsburgh Program for Veterans. I, indeed, am that guy. This young vet told me how much he got out of that session (from 2 years ago) and how grateful he was for my sharing that work. He’s doing well and helping out...

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Thus begins the Year of The Rabbit in the Chinese Lunar New Year. Sheila and I were both born in the year of the Rabbit, and I thought that that must be a good omen for us. Unfortunately, some research revealed that we might be in for a tough year. When your Lunar birth occurs, which is every 12 years, it seems that getting older offends the God of Age, Tai Sui We may have some challenges with health, career,...

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