Cloud Forests and Tortillas: Finding Resilience in Costa Rica

Just in time for Chanukah, I embraced my first holiday of 2023. This year, the allure of Costa Rica, a country we’ve envisioned visiting for 15 years, prompted Sheila and I to embark on a 9-day tour. Aligned with National Geographic, our itinerary included visits to conservation sites, national parks, and residents who welcomed us and shared aspects of their lives. We had the opportunity to engage in small environmental projects and play, including horseback riding, river rafting, and massages....

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Reflecting on Ten Years of Resilient Wednesdays

My friend Randall recently pointed out that 2024 will mark the tenth anniversary of Resilient Wednesdays, a milestone encompassing 468 issues. As I reflect on this journey, I am not only amazed by the persistence that brought me here but also proud that I’ve managed to keep the perspectives on resilience fresh, engaging, and helpful. Judging by the positive responses from my readers and the substantial 33% weekly open rate from my mailing list, it seems I am doing a...

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Recognizing Today’s Unseen Triumphs

Our stories are written daily, sometimes with celebration, sometimes with tragedy, and most often by the ordinary. Today, November 29th, is like every other day in how it embraces all of these For starters, today is the day after my brother Chuck’s birthday. He’s known me my entire life, just one of two people with that special status. Since I believe in the “week of celebration” birthday theme, I will share my delight in his day with a visit this...

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Making My Gratitudes Real

(This Resilient Wednesday is a condensed version of an op-ed I wrote, and which was published by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette a few years ago) Thanksgiving is the most psychologically powerful holiday we celebrate as a nation as we recognize and express gratitude for the blessings in our lives. Since the first Thanksgiving, this time represents a way for us to express our appreciation for the many good things in our lives. Sometimes, I’ve noticed, however, that my expressed gratitude can...

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Do It With Joy

In a powerful scene from the movie Gandhi, portrayed by Ben Kingsley, he asks his wife Kasturba, played by Rohin Hattanghadhi, to clean the ashram’s latrine upon the arrival of guests. When she hesitates, citing the task beneath her, Gandhi urges her to approach it joyfully, emphasizing the essence of equality in his mission. I’ve been thinking about this approach to my work and play. I always have better times when I jump in and fully appreciate the opportunity to...

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What’s Working

There seem to be many worries and concerns in our world. Alongside the global and national issues that absorb much of our time, minor inconveniences disrupt our expectations – the restaurant’s delayed seating, the doctor’s office lagging in returning calls, or the plane flight delayed due to weather. Recently, during a conversation with a client, he expressed concern about his kids’ future. Despite their adulthood and significant success, he was worried about the impact of Artificial Intelligence on his daughter’s...

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