If You Are a Leader, You Better Be A Detective

A client, Susan, shared that a new employee, David, was openly critical of the organization’s decision-making process and his teammates. The team was souring on him, and Susan was concerned that she had made a bad hire. When I asked her if this fellow’s concerns were warranted, she shared there was some legitimacy, but how he shared them turned everyone off, including her. Rather than going in and hard balling it with him, I suggested that she might want to...

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Use Those Superpowers!

Last weekend, the 9th class of Leadership Pittsburgh’s “Community Leadership Course for Veterans” (CLCV) opening weekend retreat was conducted high up in the Laurel Highlands near Pittsburgh. CLCV is a unique program for returning Afghani and Iraqi vets in that it is not about helping them find a job or readjust to their post-military life. Instead, the program uses their unique skills and experiences to engage them as community resources and leaders. As I’ve done for all the classes, I...

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In Praise of the Incurably Curious

The Leadership Café is back! My colleague and co-author Mike Couch and I are now taping Season II of our quest to find great leaders and hear more about their leadership wisdom. In Season I, we asked our favorite pandemic question to our guests, “Hoping that nothing tragic happened to you or your family during the Pandemic, instead of discussing what the Pandemic did to you, can you share what the Pandemic has done for you?” Most of our guests...

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May the Fourth Be with You

It was 1977, and I was an intern at the National Institutes of Health in Washington DC. I finished work that Friday evening and headed over to the theater in Bethesda, where the line was already snaking down the street. Hundreds of us were waiting for the ticket office to open for the 7:30 showing of Star Wars. Once inside, I grabbed my popcorn, coke, and M&Ms (oh, for the days of that kind of eating) and found a seat...

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Clarity: A Gift of Kindness

Last week, I attended an event where the speaker discussed the trials and successes of his business over the past several years. He pointed out that the company focused on creating an aligned culture where leaders listened to their team members and shared openly about how they approached Pandemic related issues.  They held the belief that by engaging team members, avoiding uncertainty and listening to them, staff members would feel that their roles were respected and appreciated by the business...

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Make That Regret Work For You

I missed going to the gym last week due to a busy schedule. By Friday, I felt guilty and signed up for a Tabata Class for Saturday morning. I typically set a goal to work out 3-4 times a week, alternating between cardio, strength, and some endurance, while stretching and relaxing every day. I call this resilient workout combo my “Fitness Five.” Unfortunately, I don’t always make this target. I recently found a research article that suggested a different approach...

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